09 March, 2011

hi baby ez!

that is what greta says everytime she see's ezra.
he is kind of big deal in these parts.

food stained faces and after breakfast snuggles...

it's been a month with this sweet boy and sweet it has been.

i am so blessed to have had easy newborns. all of my kids sleep 5-6 hours pretty consistently within 2 weeks. ezra is no exception and this is really a treat since he is my first to nurse. which BTW, he is a professional at. i really hated nursing at first and told my self everyday i would quit the next day but here we are 5 weeks later and we are still going strong, mastitis and all. the first 2-3 weeks with my post-partum depression were rough, real rough. i managed (barely) to get by and thanks to a high dose of anti-depressants and an estrogen patch i am still here today. ezzie made the whole PPD thing easier because he was sleeping well and had plenty of people to love on him when i couldn't. ezra has a sweet disposition and only cries when he is naked or starving. ezzie deals well with his environment (i.e. an overbearing/adoring older brother, a sloppy sister, fighting siblings, rambunctious behavior, etc.). he is a happy little dude. he hates being alone, which is fine by me. we snuggle for the better part of the night and most of the day. i love my little smoosh. so far he has just been easy.... EASY E.

oh, and i have to say, i love having 3 kids. i thought i would hate it and that it would be horrible but i thought wrong. i was so worried i would not have enough love, i was worried how greta would do, i was worried about getting enough sleep, i was worried that ezra would be a hard baby.... turns out, i had nothing to worry about. i love having 3 precious little beings that i am responsible for. i love having 3 people think that the sun rises and sets with me... it's a big self confidence booster. i feel so loved and so blessed. it's enough to almost make me cry, which is saying a lot. my older kids have transitioned like the champs that they are. other than a few "rough spots" here and there, i would say i am really going to like this new life i have.

of course, having a beautiful baby doesn't hurt.

now, if i could only fit a few more hours in the day for me-time, laundry, and blogging.


Pam said...

Sweet little man....love him to pieces! And you are amazing and have transitioned beautifully yourself! You go girl!! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! I've been waiting to see him. Wonderful family! Love to you. AZ BJ

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

I LOVE that first picture! Such a happy and proud big brother and sister!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

FINALLY!!!! He is so cute. He looks like baby Kennan pictures. Love him, and you, and the whole fam!

p.s. I need Greta in that first picture NOW....

Nate and Paige said...

sooo stinkin cute. thank you for finally sharing him. just more consistent sharing would be preferable... anyway.. i am impressed with you. you were made for 3! love you bister!

ps when will my thunder shirt be arriving?

Eileen said...

What a darling family! Ezzie is so sweet.

Julie said...

Kennan he is so dang cute...as is your whole little crew! Happy to hear the nursing is going well! I think it is the hardest part about having a newborn!

You are such a great mom!

Jeff and Brandi said...

So cute! Congrats on your beautiful kiddos. I'm glad you've adjusted well!

Mateah said...

he is such a little cutie! i love his hair!

Anonymous said...

He is SOOO cute!!! Your love of having 3 kids almost rubbed off on me. Almost.... :) I'm glad you guys are doing well!!

Rebecca said...

Wow Keenan, Check you out, nursing after Mastitis juggling 3 kids like it nothin and having some berry berry beautiful babies. That top picture couldn't be cuter. Greta love her. I am sick that I haven't held Easy E (think I will use that nickname if that's ok) yet. It's a horrible thing. So lets see eachother soon please. I have to agree that he looks like baby you and he is delicious.
the end. love you

andrea said...

He is delicious and let's just face it...that picture of Greta is pretty much the most amazing thing I have ever seen. ever. i love her.

Laura Stringham said...

Too cute! I'm so glad that you are all doing so well. You'll have to give me a call when you are up to having an outing with everyone. I'd love to meet him!

Jan Russell said...

Oh I LOVE it! That first shot just shows how they are about to burst from love of their baby brother! He is ADORABLE! I am so happy to hear he is E. Please, please let my next one be the same ;) Super happy for you!!!!